My Approach
Here's a bit of info about the somatic, trauma-informed approach I offer
and how the impact translates to you.
Somatic, body-based approach
Somatic coaching is based on the scientifically proven fact that we must FEEL to HEAL. Sometimes for the first time in our lives, the client/coaching relationship finally gives us a non-judgmental, confidential, loving space to be HUMAN, to get completely honest and acknowledge that our feelings, emotions and needs exist. Somatic techniques support us in accepting that they’re there, loosening their often debilitating hold on us, gently working through and with them and allowing them to process out of the body fully-eventually revealing self-understanding and clarity on how to move forward with confidence and ease into a life we adore.
Many struggles that humans experience are remarkably energetically entrenched in our bodies, we hold experiences, memories and limiting beliefs deep within our subconscious. Every human knows how that feels-in our minds we really WANT to do things differently but following through (in the long term) can be SO difficult! We can talk ourselves into anything and get pumped up to start doing things differently or conquer a new goal; however, our motivation often takes a nose dive quickly and we can start to make excuses and feel defeated at the first sign of difficulty.
Our body gives us messages, speaking through sensations-we can feel a pit in our stomach, experience anxiety, feel anger, feel frustration in our minds and even physically shut down…why is this? Because deep down our body’s don’t BELIEVE and TRUST that we can make the change; we haven’t proven we can in the past so why should it believe us now? Deep in our cells and in our bones our bodies remember how it felt to experience similar situations in the past and it’s giving us signs that “this could be a blow to our ego (or even dangerous)…abort mission…go back to the old ways because it’s safely FAMILIAR.” Innately our minds are built to perceive threats and keep us protected so we survive. Quite often doing something new can feel like we might literally die! We all know this dreadful feeling all too well and our nervous system goes into fight, flight, freeze or fawn mode. Our human minds are simply doing their jobs trying to protect our egos from potentially feeling like a failure, not perfect enough, not loved, or not worthy. Consequently our minds try to “think our way out” but they often keep ruminating, keeping us stuck, unable to access clear, long-lasting solutions. These are all signs that the beliefs within our mind, body and soul are not in all together in congruence (these parts of us truly don’t all believe each other) therefore inner turmoil exists and we suffer. Limiting beliefs pull the wool over our ability to clearly see and feel our innate human worthiness, to live in our full power, to live out our greatest potential and to live a life we consciously choose with intention vs. following along with society's conditioning of how we “should” live. Somatic based coaching teaches us how to learn the language of how our bodies are powerfully speaking to us-through energy and sensations, discovering the value of listening to our inner wisdom contained within and how to follow its wise guidance to finally meet our needs and feel fulfillment. Honestly, before doing this work I was so disconnected from my body that I was deaf to the fact that it was screaming messages at me on how to heal myself. The scientifically–proven somatic techniques I use in our sessions create lasting transformation that mindset/talk therapy alone cannot. This is because traditional talk therapy often only accesses the conscious mind. True transformation occurs when the body informs the brain's subconscious parts! Old, suppressed, stuck energy (implicit memory) and false beliefs live in our subconscious minds and energetically in all the tissues of our bodies. Somatic techniques effectively work with the mind, body and soul, essentially pulling the deeply entrenched issues out by their roots leaving space for new expansion and possibilities to enter your life. Learning tools to regulate our nervous systems is foundational and the doorway in to being able to tap into our ability to find clarity and truly change, growing and expanding into our highest selves FOR GOOD. We do this by learning and practicing many techniques such as meditation and breathwork, so that we can truly reconnect back into our bodies and listen to the messages they’re trying to tell us…because our bodies hold INFINITE WISDOM on how we can best meet our needs. The techniques we use tap into false limiting beliefs and coping mechanisms that all humans unconsciously form in childhood. Some coping mechanisms humans develop in order to try to deal with tough emotions we don’t know what to do with include addiction, controlling behavior, perfectionism, people pleasing/over giving, aggression, avoidance, criticizing, creating drama, judging, mistrusting, manipulating, ultra-independence, being the victim, being hypervigilant and even resorting to comedy. We learn that these coping mechanisms have the consciousness of the age at which they were formed and those outdated survival strategies no longer are serving us beneficially in our adult lives. In childhood, this is all we knew how to do to protect our little selves. It’s time to update your software by INSTALLING A SYSTEM UPDATE within you by learning new strategies which help you thrive in adulthood. Tools such as nervous system regulation, breathwork, movement, sounding, inner child work, reparenting and future casting are often used. Together in our sessions, we will explore unfulfilling areas of your life, bring greater awareness to them and identify where those ruptures energetically "live" energetically in the body. We will listen to what these undernourished parts are craving and then I support you in discovering how you can internally vs. externally meet those needs in a healthy, new way. Through awareness, curiosity, self-compassion, self-acceptance and patience we grow to become empowered to meet our core emotional needs which naturally leads to lasting habit & behavior changes we desire as well as a feeling of thriving and personal fulfillment.. Inner calm, joy, and emotional, spiritual and physical wellness naturally result through this transformative inner work! A new pattern of becoming devoted to ourselves and choosing to do what lights us up from the inside is created. Saying “no” to what’s not right for us becomes our new norm. People are magnetized to your new way of being; the right people come into your life and existing relationships that are aligned for you are transformed.
Trauma-informed approach
I use these 6 trauma-informed principles in my business practices + client interactions:
Trustworthiness & Transparency
Peer Support
Collaboration & Mutuality
Empowerment, Voice & Choice
Cultural, Historical and Gender Issues
Listen to this audio of me for a thorough description of trauma-informed:
The essence of my services
In other words, this is how I roll! You can expect to receive these qualities from me in all experiences together, whether 1:1 life coaching, breathwork or group sessions.
Too often in this world we don't truly feel fully seen or heard. In our sessions, I vow to show up fully present, attentively listening with my whole being, in tune with you emotionally, practicing compassionate empathy so you can fully feel and process your experiences and emotions in an emotionally safe relationship. You are 100% deserving of undivided attention.
I am dedicated to continue walking the walk. This means being a living, breathing example of the skills I coach, fully saturated deep down in my bones. I endeavor to truly practice what I preach. That includes living mindfully, connected to my body, sensations, emotions and thoughts and trusting the messages my intuition is giving me. I couldn't imagine navigating the ups and downs of life without the tools and techniques we use!
Without judgment, EVERY aspect of your humanness is encouraged and validated in our sessions. You will experience my complete acceptance and understanding on a deep level. This modeling gradually allows you to expand your ability to honor yourself with more self-compassion and acceptance, which is essential for transformation and healing.
Curiosity is true medicine for effective coaching. With no expectations, simply allowing you as the client to be the driver, I guide you with curiosity inviting you to new perspectives. Because we all have a profound inner-knowing, I trust that deep down you already know what you want...I simply guide you to clear the fog so you can recognize it. It's exciting discovering what is there for us!
Healing can only occur with power balance. We're on a level playing field in this collaborative experience. You are the driver and fully empowered. I will support you in accessing the right answers for you. I am an imperfect human sharing this journey together with you! We get to grow and learn alongside each other together.
There's no one size fits all method. We will try out different techniques and discover what works best for you. We will get creative to uncover your true desires for your life, deeply connect with that vision and begin creating them into existence. We will incorporate humor and light-heartedness because this work gets to be FUN!
Collaboratively, we will go at your own pace and be flexible to make shifts in what we do together and how we do things so they feel right for you. It's not about my agenda, it’s about what you desire. This is not a rat race! I will encourage you, but not push you into places you’re not ready to go and release expectations of where you “should be” because there's no right destination or timeframe for an end result.
This is a space for us to be exactly who we are. We are all imperfect beings, that's what makes us human! And thank God each of us brings gifts of our uniqueness to the world! In a caring manner, I will be completely honest with you and you have full permission to be completely open and use your voice to speak up for your needs. You will not hurt my feelings! Communication is key to developing our trust to not withhold anything so that true transformation can occur.