Activate your personal healing power that's already inside of you. Breathe in your delicious life!
Guided breathwork for when meditation isn't cutting it. Regulate your nervous system, clear overwhelm, emotionally heal and tap into profound wisdom + connection within.

Schedule 1:1 breathwork sessions
Ready to get your breathwork sessions on the books? Let's do this!
One (1) 90-minute session: $99
Three (3) 90-minute sessions package deal: $277
Five (5) 90-minute sessions package deal: $411
First-time breathers with me please use this link:
Or have further questions about breathwork? I'm here to clear it all up. Schedule a FREE no-obligation breathwork info call or contact me and I'll get in touch with you!
If you've done breathwork with me and are ready for more, let's goooo!
Experienced breathers with me please use this link:

Ready to harness your own healing power?
Yes, you are that powerful.
Let's breathe it in!
Breathe in your own medicine
We’ve been given the miraculous gift of breath since the day we were born. At birth, the quality of our breath was instinctively deep and slow. When we feel stressed, our breath tends to become fast and shallow which limits the amount of oxygen entering our bloodstream. Our brain tells our body that it perceives threat and the body responds in fight, flight or even freeze in extreme cases. When stressors become chronic, our breathing becomes stuck in a dysregulated state as does our nervous system…and we often aren’t even aware of it until health issues start to show up. In fact, every system in our body is negatively impacted, which is our body’s way of saying “do something different, this is not working for us!” I certainly had no idea what my body was trying to communicate to me when I was suffering from high blood pressure and anxiety!
Since we breathe without effort, not much thought often goes into this dependable function of our body. The fascinating truth is, by taking the time to slow down and purposefully control our breathing through consistent breathwork practice, we inform our brains that we are safe and calm. The brain passes on the communication to our body that we are in fact safe to relax. Our innate ability to heal ourselves is strengthened significantly. All systems of the body begin to function optimally again (homeostasis) and our nervous system redevelops healthier fight or flight responses to threats. Breathwork promotes this healing at the deepest level. So the truth is, YOU ARE YOUR OWN HEALER. I am your guide.

The science is in! Proven benefits of breathwork:
relaxation, inner tranquility, nervous system regulation
greater mental clarity about what’s really important, life goals, your purpose, etc.
unearth stuck energy of old trauma and limiting beliefs
greater capacity for self-acceptance and self-compassion
significant reduction in anxiety and chronic stress
reconnection with emotions, emotional release of toxic emotions
deeper connection with physical body and the messages they’re trying to convey
​Access to messages in your intuition so you can live in alignment with your highest self and in an elevated frequency
calms overactive mind, rumination
emotional healing through changing your ability to respond to thoughts & emotions
increased energy, aliveness and creativity
deeper connection to one’s spiritual self and connection to your higher power

Transformative power
For hundreds of years people seeking inner peace and healing have been practicing many different types of breathwork throughout the world. Not only does it produce feelings of calm, relaxation and bliss, it can also be transformational.
The type of breathwork I facilitate I affectionately call an "inner massage" and “meditation on steroids.” It breaks down stuck emotions in the body so that transformative healing work can occur at the deepest level. Without having to think, the breath releases the chaos in our cognitive mind. There’s no force or hustle; the breath simply does the work to shift us into our parasympathetic nervous system (relax and digest mode). The mind surrenders and allows our systems to see a different perspective long enough to touch the parts of us that our mind can’t access. This is where the healing begins. Feeling deeply connected to our bodies, we can release old, stuck emotionality buried deep within that we didn't completely process (perhaps even decades-old implicit memory).
Breathwork guides us into a deeply embodied state, a mildly altered state of consciousness where you can momentarily lose touch with reality like an inward meditative journey. It allows us to understand and experience direct access to our true nature, our soul’s essence - who we truly are. It cuts through the layers of the mind and the emotion, directly inside to our inner truth. Ultimately this powerful healing modality clears anxiety, deepens our relationship with our body and shifts our energy and mental clarity.
Conditions + concerns that can benefit from breathwork
Chronic stress
Anxiety and panic attacks
Unprocessed emotions + trauma
High blood pressure
Digestive issues
Circulation issues
Chronic physical pain
Somatic disorders
Low self-esteem
Unresolved grief/loss

FREE breathwork info call
If you're ready to take your life to the next level but not sure if my breathwork is right for you, let's chat! I'd love to listen to your challenges and needs, tell you more about what breathwork is all about and answer any questions you may have.
This I promise you - there will be ZERO PRESSURE.
Schedule your free, no-pressure, no-obligation, 30-minute Zoom video call or phone call below. Serious inquiries only please.
Breathwork sessions with me - all the deets
Are you ready to find out more about what a breathwork meditative journey is all about? Get ready for something unlike you've ever experienced! Breathwork sessions can be conducted by Zoom or in person, private sessions or in groups. They can be conducted solely as breathwork sessions or you may choose in advance to combine it with a life coaching session following the breathwork. Sessions typically last 90 minutes in length. You may choose to use earbuds to enhance the audio. Have a blanket handy or whatever makes you feel cozy! Each session is set to a soundtrack of evocative music which really helps your mind to become still so that you can connect with your body, spend devoted self-care time with yourself and feel through your experience. The type of music will vary, similar to an orchestral concerto, rising and falling guiding you through emotional movements along with the music. Before each session starts, I’ll listen as you talk a bit about what your needs are that day. You’ll decide what you’d like to get out of the experience (such as relaxing the mind, deepening self-acceptance, shifting your mood, emotional healing, etc.) and I will customize the session to support your unique needs. Next, I give easy-to-follow instructions for how to do the simple breath patterns we will use in the session so you’ll know exactly what to do. Once you’re feeling ready, I’ll invite you to lie down and get totally relaxed. Each session starts with you resting, breathing naturally as I guide you to relax and ground down into your body and out of your active mind. Once you’re good and relaxed, I invite you to start the breath pattern. While breathing the pattern, I tenderly guide you through the experience, giving you prompts to relax and connect inward. If emotions arise, I support you through feeling emotionally safe to process them while they move through you and heal you. You always have the choice to do whatever you need that day-even nothing at all other than relaxing into the music and my meditative guidance! The last few minutes I will invite you to stop the breath pattern and breathe naturally again to allow the experience to emotionally integrate inside of you. I’ll invite you to slowly come back into the present moment when you’re ready to end the practice. Once you’re ready, we’ll come together where you may choose to share a bit about your experience or we will go into your life coaching session if you chose that option. You may also choose to relax on your own journaling about what came up for you if that is something you find supportive. Since breathwork sessions process and move out stuck energy in your body, you may feel tired, energized, or especially thirsty after your session. Nourish your body with whatever it craves. And above all, send some gratitude to yourself for taking much needed self-care time and to your breath for the healing power it provided! If you'd like to get further details about my breathwork sessions, feel free to schedule a FREE breathwork info call below or submit a message through the form on my Contact Me page.