1:1 Life Coaching
Personalized life coaching sessions using somatic techniques to cultivate a relationship of self-acceptance, blossom into the highest version of yourself + create a delicious life you love.

What is 1:1 life coaching?
In general, 1:1 (one-on-one) life coaching is a confidential, supportive partnership between the two of us. We enter into a thought-provoking and creative process that inspires you to look within for inner wisdom, reflect, increase self-awareness and maximize your potential. You are in the driver’s seat. As your coach, I'm your collaborative co-pilot.
Somatic life coaching goes way beyond mindset work alone and achieves lifetime results because it creates transformation at the cellular level by integrating a holistic approach of mind, body and spirit—all parts of the complex system that is your makeup as a human being. I know you know there’s more to life than hustling for your worth and always being in survival mode. You are meant to live a life that lights you up from the inside out, however that uniquely looks for you. And you can have it!

What you will NOT get from my life coaching services:
Toxic positivity and a life free from bumps in the road
My answers to all your problems
Unsolicited advice
A list of things you need to do
Judgment or criticism in any way, shape or form
Demand or request to change anything about you

Schedule FREE 1:1 life coaching discovery call
If you're ready to take your life to the next level but not sure if my services are for you, let's chat! I'd love to listen to your challenges and needs, tell you more about what somatic life coaching is all about and answer any questions you may have.
Together, within our 45-minute call, we'll know whether we're a good fit to join in this journey along side one another.
I'm here when you're ready... together let's cultivate more deliciousness in your life!
flow + inner peace
joy + fulfillment
self-acceptance + trust
authenticity + connection

My commitment to you. I will:
Extend unconditional kindness and compassionately comfort you through discomfort, tears, and triggers...ALL of you is welcome. Provide encouragement and safety to openly process emotions.
Ask curious questions that to lead you to gain insight, access inner truth, uncover potential new possibilities, view different perspectives and see unexplored options for transformation, expansion and growth.
When requested, offer impartial perspective, guidance, and honest, caring feedback.
Use somatic techniques intended to gently and slowly access subconscious limitations, heal and expand.
Teach you supportive personal development and nervous system regulation techniques and tools that you can integrate into your daily life.
Support you in creating a vision for your life, amplifying your strengths and gently stretching to reach your goals.
Celebrate all your triumphs, no matter how small (I LOVE it all, but this part especially)!
Encourage agency to choose what feels right for you.
Hold utmost confidentiality.
Strive to establish a solid trusting relationship which can serve as a model for healthy interdependence.
Encourage vulnerability and open communication.
My intention is to meet you exactly where you are.
As your devoted co-pilot. I’m here to share this journey and the ride with you no matter how bumpy! It’s my intention to hear, hold and support you in whatever way you need by creating a sanctuary of solace. And I will do my very best to meet your needs.
My intention is for you to blossom into self-empowerment.
I am here to help you explore what may get you the results you want and to teach you tools which can be supportive in navigating life's ups and downs. We get to do this together; it's not a process possible to do all alone at first. Eventually, you will become empowered and equipped with the skills and tools on our own. I can't wait to see you fly!
1:1 somatic life coaching packages (in-person or Zoom)
The Epic Journey: $5,400
(24 sessions)
The Premium Journey: $2,970
(12 sessions)
The Foundational Journey: $1,575
(6 sessions)
Single 1 1/2 hour session: $277
Journeys include:
1 1/2 hour pre-coaching preparation session
1 1/2 hour sessions creatively crafted & customized to your unique needs
Audio recordings of sessions
WhatsApp messaging support & guidance throughout the entire term of our contract
Supportive breathwork, meditations, journaling exercises & other practices to support you outside of sessions
Payment plans available
I'm dedicated to your dream life along with you...you'll never be alone until you're ready to fly!
No more trying to pour from an empty cup. Ever.
I promise you, if you give yourself permission to be your own best investment, you will watch your life and the lives around you transform for the better!
What happens in sessions?
Each session is completely customized to your needs; no two are alike. Here is a general agenda:
In the beginning of each session we will do guided meditation, breathwork, listening to music or sitting in silence-whatever you need that day to get as comfortable as possible so you can feel at complete ease. This will allow us to calm the mind, begin connecting inward and eventually access, explore and tap into your body’s intuition whenever it’s ready to reveal itself. We will be here to listen and receive its wisdom.
Establish your session intention
We will then take a few minutes to explore what you need that day and establish what you'd like to get out of the session. I will then ask you to prioritize what you feel is the first thing that needs to be addressed in order to get closer to that desired outcome by the end of our session.
During the session, I will ask you curious questions that to lead you to gain insight, access inner truth, uncover potential new possibilities, view different perspectives and see unexplored options for transformation, expansion and growth.
You are in control of the pace; these sessions are all about you and what uniquely feels right for you. If you’re particularly activated and need time to simply be heard as you move through difficult emotions, it is always welcomed. Your needs matter so much in life and we will make them paramount in our sessions.
We won’t be forcing any parts of you into changes (that never works for the long-term), instead we will allow all of your emotional wounds, your tender parts and feelings to be here and be heard. We will acknowledge them together and get lovingly curious about them. We will use the wisdom you discover from your pain, as I guide you, to bring about more of whatever you desire in your life.
We will take plenty of time to reflect on your takeaways from the session so they can be fully integrated into learnings.
We want this work to feel inspiring and caring for you and your needs (that always feels so good)! We don’t want to add more “have tos” or “shoulds” to your already busy life. That being said, techniques or tools may come to my mind that may offer you supportive assistance because I’ve witnessed them getting positive results for myself and previous clients, maybe tools or methods you may want to consider using on your own at home. I will ask you how open you are to hearing those suggestions. If you do not want me to make offerings, that is perfectly okay too because as I mentioned we don’t want this to feel daunting like homework you “have to” do. We’ll lovingly call it “growth work!”
Before closing, you will be invited to set a small goal for yourself in between our sessions and evaluate where we are in the scheme of the big picture of your desired outcome from coaching.